Today’s special bonus episode features a prerecorded webinar proudly sponsored by HeartLegacy.
Join host Christie Freeze as she welcomes industry experts Amber Bardon and Matt Reiners from Parasol Alliance for an engaging discussion on the role of AI in senior living. They explore the foundational mindset needed for successful AI integration, practical applications, and three easy ways to leverage AI in senior living.
Plus, every mention of ‘AI’ contributed to a donation to the Alzheimer’s Association.
Tune in for insights, innovation, and a little fun along the way!
To find more HeartLegacy webinars, please click here.
Christie: We’re going to be going ahead and getting started. I want to officially introduce myself.
I’m Christie Freeze. I am your host for today’s conversation. And I’m so excited to invite you all to, or welcome you all to the Senior Living Sizzle. These are expert led discussions on the industry’s hottest topics. And if you are new to these conversations, welcome. We’re glad you’re here. The sizzle is super powered by heart legacy, which is home to sales mail, senior living’s number one video tool.[00:01:00]
And today we are diving into one of the hottest topics as of lately, one that we’re likely going to be discussing for the foreseeable future, not just for January. And that is AI. This is also an extra special episode because we are donating five dollars to the Alzheimer’s Association every time AI is said.
So Abby, I hope you’re keeping tabs. All right. So we’re going to be talking today about how we best prepare to integrate AI into our lives and the foundation and mindset that’s needed in order to do so effectively. We’re also going to be talking about what practical applications we can start exploring.
And then our intention is to equip you with three easy practical ways that you can start leveraging AI and senior living. We’re joined today by our guest, Amber Bardon and Matt Reiners from Parasol Alliance. Thank you both so much for being here. If you’re not familiar with these two, let’s go ahead and have them introduce themselves.
So Amber, let’s go ahead and start with you.
Amber: Hey everybody. I see a couple of our clients in the attendee list. Um, so happy to see you guys here. Thanks for attending. I am Amber Bardon. I am [00:02:00] the founder and CEO of Paris Alliance. I’ve been in senior living for 18 years. Um, started parisel nine years ago and excited to be here.
Christie: Awesome. All right. Matt, what about you?
Matt: So, I mean, since we’re giving $5 away, I gotta start this off the right way, right. Ai, ai, ai, ai, ai, ai, ai, ai, ai, ai. So there’s a quick 50 bucks right there. Um, yeah, so I totally lost track of the question because I was just prepping for that. But, uh, Chief Growth Officer at Parasol Alliance here.
Uh, just really excited to dive deeper into this where I’m using AI in my own personal life. Uh, and how I’m starting to see the senior living, uh, really starting to transform by using it as well. And, uh, yeah.
Christie: All right. Well, let’s go ahead and dive in. Amber, I’ve got a question for you. So we’ll go ahead and start with you.
Um, just as it relates to foundations and doing the due diligence needed to really make sure that before launching an AI system or solution out into the ethers, [00:03:00] what is kind of needed or what steps should people be thinking through before they do that?
Amber: So I love this question because everything we do here at Parasol Alliance is all about building a foundation and understanding the use case.
And I know that there’s a lot of veterans who’ve been in this industry for a long time on the call. And so we’ve all seen these new latest and greatest things come out. So in the past it was EMR and is what’s an EMR versus an EHR and what’s the cloud. And I think AI is the latest word that we’re hearing.
I mean, we all know that we’ve been to a conference and, you know, we make jokes about how many times, um, until we hear the, hear, hear the word AI mentioned, or how many times it’s coming up. And I think the, the challenge here with this technology is, is that, And EMR is self explanatory. Like we, we know what that means.
And I think AI is so new that, you know, the entire world is finding out together what the capabilities are. And I just want to cautious client, caution clients, because I have, I have, we’ve had some clients come to us and say, well, we want to use AI and it’s like, well, what is that, what does that actually mean?
Like, do you even, do you, do you know what you’re [00:04:00] asking for? What’s your use case? Or do you just want to say it’s something that you have? So I think it’s really important to understand. Um, you know, what do you mean by AI? What are the actual problems you want to solve? Because we want to make sure that we’re actually implementing effective systems that can produce positive results and affect actual change and transformation rather than just getting something because it sounds like the latest buzzword or because you met a vendor somewhere and they convinced you this was a great idea.
So I think it’s important to look at what are we, what problems are we trying to solve? Um, you know, again, when we, when we talk about AI, there’s such a huge application and we wrote a white paper about this. It’s built on our website for free. If anybody wants to read it. And we interviewed a lot of the major vendors in the space because it could be built into a software that you already have.
So a lot of the resident engagement apps have AI built into them. It could be something like note taking tools, which my coworker here, Matt Reiner’s loves to use as AI note taking tools. Um, you know, it could be as advanced as some of these copilot tools that can sit on top of your, your systems like point click care, your financial systems and pull actual [00:05:00] generative AI database information for you, um, which sounds really cool and exciting.
But I think we have to remember that we can’t get data out unless we have data in our system. So if all your, your information is still in spreadsheets. That type of AI is not gonna be useful for you. Same with like A-A-K-P-I type system. So I think it’s really important to just always take a step back, understand what are we trying to solve for, and then let’s figure out how to solve this problem with AI being one of those options and not just something we’re jumping to without fully understanding.
Christie: Beautifully said. I think it’s super important to remember also that this is a tool. Right. And there’s something that you shared when we were preparing for this conversation that I thought was super important, super profound is that this is a marathon, not a sprint. And that by treating it as a sprint, we could potentially make things worse, right?
And we want to use this to enhance, optimize, to use Matt’s word of the quarter, and to make things better and to make what we do better. So I love that. [00:06:00] Um, and one more quick follow up question on that, because I know that this is what you guys do at Parasol Alliance, is helping to shift that culture and the mindset around tech.
Tech as a whole, right? Yes, AI is a piece of that. But what are some things that you guys are doing or tips that you might have for people wanting to shift that culture?
Amber: So I think it really falls in line with the comments I made earlier. So we talk a lot about technology culture, and we talk with our clients about technology culture.
And I think the first thing to understand with that is that your leadership team needs to be aligned with what you want your technology culture to be both for staff and residents. And, you know, do you want to be on the cutting edge, the bleeding edge, the leading edge, the, there’s probably other edges I’m missing the bot behind edges, um, in the middle, you know, where do you want to be?
And I think you need to be in agreement because, you know, I mean, so many times being in this industry for so long, and I’m sure everybody on this call can relate that, you know, 1 department decides to go out and buy 1, Type of [00:07:00] technology. Um, it’s not fully vetted or the foundations aren’t there, and you’re paying for something that never gets fully implemented.
Um, maybe you’ve told residents about it, and then they’re frustrated that it never worked out. You didn’t have the infrastructure to support it. So I think that it’s really important to identify what are your technology priorities all around and where does AI and innovation fall amongst the other things that also need to get done from a process perspective, a business systems perspective and infrastructure perspective.
for having me. Um, and I think by having that transparency in place with, um, open conversations about where do you want to go? And again, going back to what problems are we solving, I think is how you can start to build that culture of, um, embracing it because the last thing you want to do is just go out and buy the greatest thing without a good implementation plan.
And then everyone’s frustrated. Like, oh, we always go out and buy the stuff and then we don’t use it. Or we just talk about doing it. We never follow through or it’s sort of half implemented.
Christie: Awesome. Matt, anything you want to add to that? It’s okay. It’s not
Matt: about, I [00:08:00] mean, just what was the original question?
I mean, it’s just about
Christie: foundations, tech culture, just shifting the culture. I think, yeah, so I,
Matt: you know, I think from what I’ve seen coming over here, so I come from like the resident tech side and now kind of overseeing like all the technology, you know, it’s definitely a top down culture. And I think as we’re looking at the staffing shortages and some of the other things that this industry is facing, technology is one of those things that I think could be helpful.
Help connect a lot of those dots. And I think just embracing that and understanding it, but also acknowledging, right? Like, I think a lot of people are scared about AI and becoming a humanoid, uh, robot that’s, you know, going around and taking over the nurse, but like, I look at it as more of a tool that’s kind of been said already.
And like, how do we optimize that? Um, to really enhance what we’re doing in day to day and maximizing that human connection.
Christie: Beautiful. I love that. And even kind of on that nurse example, like it makes me think about I’ve worked in senior living communities for most of my career, and I know that the clinical team is busy, right?
Well, everyone’s [00:09:00] busy, but they’re busy. And if some of that charting or some of that more admin type stuff could be done, they get to spend even more time with their residents, right? Doing the human to human connection and care that is required. Yeah. Okay. Um, my next question is around kind of striking a balance.
And we’re kind of talking about that right now as far as A. I. Versus humans and maintaining that separation and understanding that we’re not being replaced. We are given a tool to enhance what we do as humans. So is there anything that, you know, any tips or any thoughts you have on striking a balance between those 2?
Matt: Yeah, so I’ll give you the, uh, I think the phrase of this whole, uh, this whole webinar, which is quote, automate the mundane and elevate the meaningful end quote. So really when I think about that, right, like using this as a tool to take over some of those tedious work, right? Like the, the data [00:10:00] entry, answering some of those FAQs that are always happening.
To really elevate what we’re doing, right? If we’ve got 40 hours in the week, I imagine a lot of us are working more than that, but if you can save 10 hours a week, what are you going to be sitting that extra 10 hours on, right? It’s going to be more of that meaningful stuff. Maybe that human connection stuff to really push the business forward or really optimize what you’re doing.
Um, and I know we’ve been talking about like the three ways to use, uh, AI and senior living. I just want to highlight one of those. So I recently interviewed Joe Velderman, uh, VP of innovation for Cypress living, uh, podcast raising tech. Definitely check it out. I think it just came out a couple of weeks ago.
And one of the really cool things that they’re using for that is, you know, they had a lot of internal questions popping up, right? Someone’s on weekend staff, uh, a situation pops up. They’re not sure what to do. Um, before they started implementing AI, they had this 200, 300 page binder. And what they did is basically uploaded that to Microsoft pure view, connected it with, [00:11:00] uh, you know, a learning language management platform, like chat GPT, so someone can basically ask a question like, Hey, I’m dealing with X.
What is our standard operating procedure for that? Right. So it’s like an internal jackpot that they were able to create with some of their standard operating procedures. To really help minimize the amount of time it would take for someone to ask a question, get back to them. And now they’ve got this built internally.
So just one of the three ways that I’ve seen people do it and with sales and marketing. Yeah. And I’ve seen even, even seen people do that on the sales and marketing side, right? They take their SOPs, put it into a similar platform like that. So anywhere, anybody, you know, they might be dealing with discovery or deeper in the funnel, right.
And they’re able to ask what’s best practices, um, specific to our company and our organization to help maximize that, uh, opportunity to either, you know, move that resident in or move them down further down the pipeline.
Amber: Yeah, and Christie, if I can jump in here, I think what Matt is saying is really important because, you know, I started off answering my first question [00:12:00] about all this new technology that we’ve seen in the last, you know, 20 years in this industry.
And I think what we don’t talk enough about is the additional burden of time that these systems have placed on our staff, especially care staff. I mean, the amount of time people have to spend answering emails, the amount of time people have to spend documenting in the EMR. And I think that’s the burden that is not necessarily acknowledged or planned for in a lot of cases, especially when we have staff that aren’t as tech savvy, and this is where I think the true power of AI can come in where we can try to automate this so that we can get our data in much more efficiently and time effectively, that’s a word, time efficiently, and then be able to then have that output where we can get our data out for data driven decisions.
Christie: I love that. And we’re going to be giving you guys way more than three ways to use AI. So thank you, Matt, for kicking us off with that. Um, okay. So I do think that it is a good time for us to start shifting into some more practical use cases. And we’ve talked a lot about how Matt’s personally using it, maybe how I’m [00:13:00] personally using it.
So, Matt, I would love if you could kind of take us through maybe like when you very, very first. Got introduced to chat GPT or whatever system you’re using and kind of like, I know I don’t have a ton of time, but maybe walk us through what that looked like when you were first getting started and kind of how it translates now to how you’re using it.
Matt: For sure. So I remember the day that I was first introduced to chat GPT, uh, and as is. As is, uh, I think natural getting introduced to it. My first prompt to it was to write my wife, uh, a love poem. And I, you know, it, it spit something out very quick. I then read it to my wife. She had no idea that anything written it, wrote it besides myself.
I read it to her and she cried and, uh, I felt so bad. That, uh, that like this chat bot created that. So it definitely, uh, I did tell her afterwards for the record, but, you know, I think how that’s kind of evolved over time, right. Is, uh, you know, the way that I’ve started using AI, [00:14:00] so definitely chat GPT consistently, I think, you know, the way that I think about it.
I still have to have the ideas. It just helps me to put the framework together of like what that can look like and what I’ve done with my own. So I’ve created my own GPT, just have the premium version of chat GPT. So I call it Matt GPT. So whenever someone on my team asked for something, I say, Matt, GPT helped.
I’m not lying to them. Amber knows that I say that quite frequently. Um, but I basically exported all, I was able to export all my LinkedIn messages. I got 14, 000 lines of my voice. into it to find my tonality, my level of professionalism and stuff like that, to really just teach this the way that I speak so I can put things into my own words, into my own writing.
Um, and that’s just chat GPT. A couple of other things I’ve started using motion AI, which is something that’s, uh, basically speech. Creates my calendar for me. I just have to put the projects that I’m working on in there. And then I’ll just fill it in based on level of priority and due dates. So with my ADHD, it’s super helpful that, you know, I come in, in the morning, my calendar is already created [00:15:00] for me.
And it’s set up that if someone does book time with me, they can schedule over it. It just adjusts my calendar from there. Um, you know, if you’re familiar with me, I run a podcast, probably 140 episodes. Now use a platform called Riverside. That’s taken my editing down by like 95%. You used to spend, you know, three hours pumping everything out.
I’ve got it down now to 20 minutes, 25 minutes. So. Um, also like read AI, plot AI to like record meetings, love taking the transcripts, putting it in the chat, GPT, uh, getting summaries, getting to do’s out of that. And then, uh, you know, I think it’s really just, I forgot what it was like to work without it, unfortunately, which I think is a blessing and a curse.
And, uh, you know, it’s really helped to transform even my own productivity where I can pump out more and it’s actually at a higher quality than it was before.
Christie: I have learned so much from you. So I love that you just share a little bit more of how you’re using this. I personally am still a little new. I know I shared something on LinkedIn [00:16:00] earlier in just promoting this that it’s still somewhat new for me. I’m still in the like writing love poems phase. Matt, um, no, but you know, there are folks on our team that have taught me about creating a meal plan, creating a grocery list, like anything that you would potentially use a use brain space for that you don’t need to.
I will say that I have found personally, I think I have more creative freedom. Like when I very first kind of started dabbling in it. Right. And you all met Tucker on our team. He’s taught me a lot as well, but it’s not replacing my ideas. It’s helping me refine some of my ideas and make them, you know, Be more concise and valuable.
And so I think that that’s really, you know, for me, been super, super impactful.
Matt: Yeah. And to your point about, cause I think, you know, if people want to get their feet, you know, put their toes into AI and using it, I think you may get a good call of like using it in your personal life. So I’ve started using this, like even just this last weekend, um, I had to create recipes for me, pick the recipes I wanted, had to create the, [00:17:00] uh, the, the shopping list for that based on the aisle.
And then I basically just went ordered all online schedule to pick up. So my, you know, I’ve got all my meals ready for the week that I need, we’ll need to cook all, we’ll take less than 30 minutes, but that’s probably saved me two to three hours from, you know, I think over the week and like now, what am I going to do at that time?
Right. I can be a better dad, a better partner. Um, and take, again, taking out some of that, uh, I’m going to go back to that quote from before, but automate the mundane and elevate the meaningful and taking out some of those things that I need to get done. Right. But like just trying to figure out of what that can look like.
Christie: That quote is going to live on for decades to come. I can feel it in my bones. I love that. All right. Let’s we’re we don’t have 10 minutes left friends. So let’s talk actually about specific senior living use cases. I know Matt shared one already. Um, are there any specific, you know, use cases for senior [00:18:00] living sales and marketing teams that you can see be really effective or helpful, especially if they’re still just getting started in it.
Either of you can go.
Matt: Uh, yeah. So I see a huge opportunity, especially for the marketing teams, just in terms of content creation, right? So like what anybody on this call can go do take all the copy on your website, right? Any external facing copy your brochures, your blog posts, put that into a GPT.
Identify your tonality, right? And the way that you’re talking about things to kind of teach it that, and then what I would do is lean into AI to identify like, what are some of the top 10 issues that baby boomers are facing? Adult children are facing today. And you know, that’s pulling from different resources.
I’ve seen things that will pull it out of like Reddit and different things like that. Like. What are the main issues that these people are facing and then going and creating content around that? Um, and I think with something like that, right? Like it’s, I would not copy and paste it directly out of that.
A key way to tell if someone’s using [00:19:00] a generative platform like that in their writing, if they’ve got the dash, right. If you see like the long dash, I don’t even know where to use the dash myself. Uh, if it’s a colon or semi colon, This is why I have a premium version of Grammarly to help me with those things.
But what I would say is like, it does 80 percent of the work for you. Right. And then able to take that repurpose that content, I think is a great way to do that. You know? So in terms of like blog writing or email campaigns or social media posts, you know, and then there’s platforms, like I know Canva has got an AI, um, opportunity within it, like creating images and stuff around that.
Like I do think. You can create content at scale now and do it with a smaller team and really help to, uh, prioritize what that could look like. Um, so I would say that would be a, another one of the three. I’ve got one more unless Amber’s got one.
Amber: No, why don’t you, why don’t you keep going? I’ll comment when you’re done.
Matt: Sounds good. And then the other one, I think there’s a huge opportunity. So I think it’s salespeople, right? Like [00:20:00] There’s been a transformation, granted, depending on who you ask may have always been the most important thing, but the key in discovery, right? Like understanding who are you selling to and like, what are their pain points and what are those things are?
And like, I don’t know how people are using it today, but like, if I’ve seen CRMs that will record calls and stuff. So like, whereas there’s a huge opportunity, I think in one of two ways with this, right? So one, if you’re doing the discovery, if it’s being, um, stored somewhere automatically, right? Or maybe you’re doing it manually, but maybe you learn someone, you know, was it played baseball in their previous life?
Uh, you know, we’re in the Navy and some of the other things, and just putting that into a chat GPT to get some thoughts for just like, how can I personalize some thoughts or just. You know, I wouldn’t, it’s still being a level of, uh, authentic with it. Right. Like you still, you don’t want to start saying, you know, asking questions about the Navy, making it seem like you’re in the Navy.
Right. Cause that’s just going to be fake. But I think there’s a level of personalization that we can do to really craft tailored, you know, follow up messages [00:21:00] and really the best engagement strategy. Um, and I think a huge opportunity for sales teams to like, let’s say if those calls are being recorded in some capacity, if you’re getting the transcript, Put that into, you know, chat, GPT, other platforms that you’re using, basically say to it, be like, Hey, I want you to act as a sales coach and, uh, and look through this, um, and give me any points that are where I could have asked a better question or any indicators that you saw, like, and there’s even components where with chat, GPT, I was doing this this morning where, um, you know, you can set up like the feature where you’re live speaking and you can tell it like, I want you to be an adult child.
These are your problems. And you can role play. At whenever you want, and I’m about to turn my GPT and my, uh, my therapist coach, I think, um, I’ve got nothing too crazy to hide, so I can put it into the, the world, but I would say with, you know, AI, uh, just be nice to it in case it does ever take over. So if it’s, you know, in your, uh, digital file that you use your manners.
So just make sure that I’ve had to teach my wife. Cause she’s very nice. [00:22:00] You gotta be nice. My wife has been known to yell at, uh, I won’t say her name cause she’s right over here, but uh, not my wife, but Alexa, um, the, so just like keeping that hyper focus. And I think, you know, it can play so many different roles.
And again, you have to have the ideas. And I think being creative is like the key to using it. Right. And then continuing to push the boundaries with that. Um, And then the only, the other thing I would ask too, I think from a learning perspective, I had this aha moment the other day in the shower when I was reading this 250 page book that could have been probably summarized in 10 pages.
What I’m doing now. Did you just say
Amber: you were reading a book in the shower?
Matt: No, no, no, no. I was going to revisit that. From reading a book. Okay. But like I’m reading a 250 page book about around hook points, right? Like if you’re in marketing, you’re familiar with that is, you know, there’s so much fluff in this thing.
So now what I’m trying to do is basically take, find that PDF, take that PDF or take best practices, get the summary for me. So I understand the concepts that I can kind of pull on that information, [00:23:00] uploading that into my GPT and basically. Having that be my brain to memorize and remember everything. And then I can just pull on that information as needed.
Um, so
just trying to clone myself and make way better and my, my AI version of me as hair for the record. So yes,
Christie: we can’t wait to see a photo of him.
Matt: Thank you. Yeah.
Amber: Yeah. So Christine, a couple minutes we have left, I can just add my perspective. So if anybody in the call is, um, you know, taking a little bit, I just got a weird echo.
I do not use AI on a regular basis. So if anybody in this call is feeling like you’re in the camp where you’re a little bit unsure on how to use it, I just want to say that I am not a user so I rely on Matt GPT to do a lot of that. On my behalf, so I haven’t jumped into personally using it yet so I can understand if there’s like hesitation or concerns about it.
But I think Matt’s everything Matt said is a great starting point for you to for you to use. And I can’t really speak too much of the sales and marketing side of AI [00:24:00] that’s a lot more in Matt’s world. Um, but if you, we also have a podcast called Raising Tech and we’ve had a lot of vendors in there talking about how they’re using AI.
We did an AI webinar. So if anybody in this call is interested in learning about AI applications and more clinical or resident engagement or false prevention type settings, I would say that’s a great free resource. To check out is raising tech podcast. Um, you know, and I think I mentioned a couple of use cases earlier with just being able to do data and data driven decisions.
And I think that that is something that I personally find really exciting, uh, to be able to ask, um, ask your systems as if you’re asking your phone for information that it can search and give you generative AI answers. So I think that that’s pretty cool.
Matt: Yeah. And the one, and I just want to shout out, uh, our host and their platforms.
I think they’re using AI in a great use case, right? And it’s, it, to me, it seems simple. You know, I’m a sales mail user, big fan of it. And, uh, one of the things they do now, cause before, you know, I would have to basically title every [00:25:00] video and they would, I would never title them and I would lose them all the time.
But now there’s an AI function where it basically, I would imagine, takes my transcripts, comes up with a short. Catchy title automatically puts it in there to just make my organization that much easier and like That’s a great example and use case of AI to, again, and I have to keep, I keep forgetting it, automate the mundane and elevate the meaningful.
Right. So taking those, those, you know, maybe a 30 seconds each time. Right. But that adds up if you’re sending out all of these all day and like, that’s just a great example of how I think AI can be used in the short run.
Christie: Thank you so much, Matt, for that beautiful shout out. It has. Certainly enhanced and elevated my more meaningful conversation and definitely automated the mundane.
So love this quote, love our AI functionality within sales mail. And yeah, I think that just enhancing what we’re doing right. Versus completely replacing what we’re doing. So I just want to, as we’re wrapping up here, I want to open it up, see if there are any [00:26:00] questions. I don’t see any in the Q and a section.
So Abby, if you do see any holler at me. Um, But in the meantime, we are here. So we will hang on just for a couple more minutes if you do have questions, but I do see some of you hopping off. So thank you all so much for being here today to our guests. Thank you so much for bringing your experience, your expertise, spending time with us, uh, to our audience.
We appreciate you spending 30 minutes of your time and attention with us. We know that that is, you know, a big ask. So stay tuned. We were going to announce how many times AI was said during today’s senior living sizzle and how much money we’ll be donating to the Alzheimer’s association. If you’ve got any questions for us, of course, drop them in.
Oh, total donation, 3. 15.
Matt: Awesome. And RC, I would call that caffeinated passion. But yeah, I’ve added like four iced coffees, straight black today, and I haven’t ate yet. So, uh, that’s probably it. He’s always
Christie: like this. I do feel like this is your consistent state of [00:27:00] energy.
Matt: All right, friends.
Christie: Uh, someone does say they would love a list of AI tools that you mentioned, Matt, and their use cases.
I would encourage you to follow Matt on LinkedIn if you’re not already. He does do an incredible job of sharing prompts with us, sharing the tools that he’s using, sharing practical applications. What type of programs or campaigns do you recommend automating for prospects? That was one of the questions that came in.
I don’t know if either of you have any thoughts on that. Uh, we’ve got
Matt: I could take that And here I I did post this gosh, this was seven months ago I don’t know if I can put it in the real chat. Um, because it looks like I can only do hosting panelists. So I don’t know if someone can put that in there, but that was basically just highlighting all the, uh, ones that I use today.
And it pretty much lines up. I didn’t say all those, um, Thank you, Abby. Uh, question, what types of programs or campaigns do you recommend automating for prospects? So I think when I think of [00:28:00] prospects and like the automation, right. I think the lead list is super important, right? Like, how are you reaching out to these people?
How, where parts are they in the funnel, right? Like there’s simple things and you know, I’m always hesitant to like hyper automate any sales related things. Cause I think there’s a level of personalization and authenticity that needs to come through in order to do that. But like, let’s say if you’ve got.
You know, a database of a thousand leads and they’re all just kind of getting the same marketing emails right now. Like they’re all in different parts of the buying journey. They’re probably one might be wanting to move in. They might be looking for their family members. So like what resources are we giving them?
Right. So like if it’s a adult child, I might be giving them a resource of like how to have this conversation with mom or dad, you know, if it is a someone that might be moving in and looking for themselves, like. You know, all the benefits of the socialization and sharing the events that are coming up. So like, I would look at it more of like those along, along those lines, um, to basically create the content specific to the end [00:29:00] user.
Um, and what are some of their pain points? Right. And like, there’s ways you can do that based on data labeling to really hyper focus the right things to the right people at the right time.